Valley of the Giants Loop: BLM – Falls City ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Click for the latest Falls City weather forecast.

Yeah, that's a big tree

Yeah, that's a big tree

7/28/2021: Some of the largest Douglas firs and Western Hemlocks in Oregon can be found on this hike. Many of the trees are over twenty feet in circumference and 200 feet tall. You can see many massive trees in the distance but stay on the trail.  The hike is easy and a great one for little legs. It can be a bit slick going down the initial slope; just take your time.

Per BLM: Though a windstorm blew it down in 1981, the largest reached a circumference of thirty-five feet and was approximately 600 years old. Believed to be the second-largest Douglas fir in Oregon, the tree was called “Big Guy”.

We have done this hike twice. On the second trip, we were bouncing along on the rutted forest service road with friends Jim and Pam, came around a turn and walking right towards us in the middle of the road was a cougar!! Yes, a real, live cougar. It startled, as did we, and jumped into the undergrowth to the side of the road. It was too quick to get a picture, but it is forever etched into all our minds.

Key: Kid Friendly | Douglas-fir | Western Hemlock | Old Growth Forest | Oregon Coast Range | Hard to Find | Rough Road

Lunch Spot

Lunch Spot

Marg’s Notes: Stayed @ Beach (Lincoln City) Valley of Giants. Left the beach ~7:15. Had to head back towards Salem to find hike. First set of directions had us turning @ Grand Ronde, but road was closed. Drove to Falls City, then took logging roads to trailhead. Saw a few signs that said VOG, but didn’t figure that out until we were headed out. Road was rough but we found it! A beautiful loop hike through Old Growth forest. 1.86 miles. No one else there until we were finishing! Muggy & hot again. Tailgate lunch, then drive back to beach. Didn’t take quite as long to get back! 😊